Monday, January 07, 2008


For the entire mummy’s out there.

What means when you’re starting to put your kids name in every little thing?

It means they are going to pre-school!

Nicole started today, and I think I was more nervous than her.
She was all dressed, and waiting with the bag in her hands at 6 am. This morning!
Yes she was much exited to go.

Suddenly the house is a little bit quiet; I still have my other little girl with me.

Waiting for the afternoon...


  1. Hope she enjoys her first day of school.

  2. Oh my goodness! I can't believe she's old enough to go to school! Did she love it, but miss her mummy?

  3. Glad that your little wild enjoying her pre-school. I hope I can say the same someday for Lauri :)
