Now this is a lesson for me to take very serious and good information for everybody that wants to know, and go green this year!
I’ve join months, months ago the Monthly dishcloth in the Yahoo. BUT almost never made a dish cloth, only if I wanted to test a pattern, and them made with acrylic, became another blanket for N. barbies.
After I read the
Mamagenerica post. Something in my head was tinkling, why don’t I try also, it doesn’t cost a thing, I’ve got cotton, and I’ve got needles! So I did. And let me tell you ladies out there, that use the green sponge, please give it a try…
Because it really works, you can actually wash the dishes with this cotton cloth, and at the end, you can clean all your work area, and no water, I mean really no water. That thing just absorbs every single drop of water that it founds in her way. And you can do also another one to clean the dishes and put them away!
Probably everyone that is reading this post, must be thinking, that girl went mad!
No, I think to myself that I just found the gold mine, the hole with petrol, I don’t know. I realize after I read so many posts with this subject that actually it works.
Please you can send a hammer to me, if I took to long to really believe it!
Thank you mamagenerica, for the open eyes, to these blind women. I sometimes am like St. Tomas, see to believe!
So here it is my first one, of course I had to invent one, and I couldn’t follow any free pattern that I have in my computer.

And them after I see all the miracles of nature I made another one, that you can find the pattern here, but already gone by now.

Someone came to my house this weekend, and I just spread the word, go green go dishcloth!
Never say never…