I’ve been seeing this mini cardigan in crochet at the net for a long time from Stitch 'N Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker, but never caught my attention.
Last week, while I was lost in the cables of the net, I saw so many photos of this project, and actually many of them were made for girls, that I thought of giving a try.
So with the some blue cotton, I made a vest.

Why do I never follow the pattern, well I don’t know, guess it is just me.
I don’t think the sleeves here would be nice.
Made a little longer.
Still deciding if I’m going to make some cords at the front to tie, or not.
For now it is going to be like this.
The lace pattern wasn’t so hard to do, actually after the second row I just made by heart, only stopping for the technical increases.

Although I have to say, I found a lot of mistakes in the pattern, well not really mistakes, but things that were supposed to be there and weren’t.
Well, never mind.
I like it
I know it is not for me.
She loves it!
I also did another pair of socks for A.
Another pair for the SAM6 for the August month!
See you all next time.