Monday, September 30, 2013

Minions Party!!!!


Happy Monday everyone!

After a weekend full of rain, wind (unpleasant) we woke up this Monday to a very sunny day and warm (28º)

Don't know if this is the winter saying goodbye, but for now it is fine.

Dancing here............ Happy dance.......

I finish the 20 Minions!!!!!

I had to make a little change on the mouth of the purple minion, the direction and the teeth weren't good (I'm very picky sometimes) so it took a little bit longer than what i predicted.... (More cutting), but yes, now I'm happy with the result.

And here they are....

Aren't they cute.....

Now let me get some sun

See you


Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy Birthday....girl


Yesterday it was my big girl Birthday

No coments here...

It was a very calm day, she likes quiet days..... She had presents, ice cream, her favourite meal, spaghetti a Bolognese, her favourite dessert, malva pudin, and a birthday cake, Bar-one Cake.
When I took this photo she was just about to blow the candles. She is a little bit like me, there is no place like home!

During the day I managed to finish the party bags, which are going to be used tomorrow for the birthday party with all her friends.

The printing came from daddy, and the sewing from mummy!!!
Family production here!!!

And they are ready to go with the Oddie in felt

I hope everyone will like it.....

Still doing the Minions, had to pause the production due to this extra party.

Next post will be Minions party favors, hooray!

Until next time


Friday, September 20, 2013

Mobiles....mobiles and more mobiles....


Another order made
This time owls in shade of pink and grey

Very cute ones that just went playing....

Whilst finishing the Moshi Monsters party favors, and assembling this owl mobile, I manage to create a new design for baby decoration.

Behold.....hold on... drums please.....

A very, very cute Hot Air Balloon!

On this one I decorated with flowers, it is for a girl ;)
The other one that I'm making it is for a boy and it has bears. (I will show photo later)

Isn't it cute?

Now back to reality I still have to make 20 Minions party favors.....

Got to go!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Oddie- a felt Moshi Monster

Good day to all

Winter doesn't seem to want to leave us... pity... i'm in need for sun and hot weather!

The girls are on their last week of school for the 3rd term, then there will be a 1 week of break.
A birthday is coming also, planning and getting all things together as been our focus for now.

The party favor is done, and they are now just waiting for their new owners :)

I had to take this photo.... when I finish all the eyes, it looks like the invasion of aliens.... ;)

Last night I finish cutting owls for a mobile
That is my next target

Busy bee here....


Friday, September 13, 2013

The joys of the felt world

Happy Friday everyone

Finally here :)

Had a order for two Party Favors, one Minion from the movie Despicable Me

It was accepted :)
(see Jesse why i'm in panic.....!!!!!)

And the other one Oddie, from Moshi Monsters (this one is for my oldest girl, still it had to be approved!)

She liked it, and can't wait to give to all her friends at the party

I've already started cutting, and cutting, and more cutting.... I've got already a bubble on my fingers...

And meanwhile a new order for a mobile came through

Isn’t this fantastic!

Not panicking here
I've schedule everything, and I will finish way before the due date....

Enjoy your weekend
I will definitely enjoy mine!


Monday, September 09, 2013

Love Bird Mobile


Happy Monday

What else to say from a Monday.... it is raining here, and cold, still.... mind as well smille to this wonderful, happy Monday.... ;)

Work made this weekend whilst it was raining outside...

These cute little birds ended here...

In a mobile...

A very simple mobile, that can make a show on any babys room, don't you think?

Now for the zoom parts

And a preview from my next work.... that with luck it will be finish by the end of this week.

Got an order for a Despicable Me party, and there is lots of confusion on top of my tabel.... ideas....ideas

Enjoy your week
And don't forget to smile :)


Friday, September 06, 2013

Another Owl Mobile


Another Owl Mobile done

This one is flying to Dubai!!!

I'm so glad the mother liked it.... the joy of making something realy cute....

And look the owls are happy too!!!

Hope everyone enjoys your weekend

See you ...


Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Felt bookmarks

I have the luck of having two girls that love to read.
In our days that is a little bit rare, with all the distractions from TV, DVD movies and games.

We have a rule for quiet time, that's when they must grab a book and read...but apart from that they carry always a book every time we have to go out, just to keep them busy.

It is nice, i like it!

Made some Felt bookmarks, new designs, cute ones

Here they are, I love them all....

These bookmarks are on  display @ the Strand Public Library

Weekend is almost here, stay strong ;)


Monday, September 02, 2013

Tooth pillows and distractions

Mondays are always a big pain...

I miss my bed
The no appointed hours
The lasiness on my couch

Oh well, let's get on, grabed a cup of coffee, and my energi is on again...
Made recently a friend for my miss tooth fairy, now it is a she and a he...

Now the boys can have the visit of the tooth fairy too!!!

And also made this cute octopus

It is my new pincushion, I love it!!!!
The octopus is huge it measures 13cm height, i like to pin it!!

Enjoy your week and don't forget there is only 4 more days until the weekend, Horray!