And a happy New Year
Still have more, believe it or not!!!
I would like very much to start the New Year, with new stuff, from scratch.
Let’s see if I can.
This crochet bag was having a long sleep inside the bag.
So I gave her a kiss, and there, done!
I’ve put some lining inside to try to use as a bag, but no photos of that, sorry.
And I finish also the Sundance bag.
At the beginning I didn’t really understand the graphic, on the pattern, because I was thinking as a very experience knitter (who am I fooling!!!), then, just after a few hours I saw the pattern written, DAH!!!
Well, accident apart, I enjoyed this little one, and it is in my favourite colour!!!
Today is my last at work. The pre-school were the girls are going to close today, so I will be at home until the next year. Luckily I have the luck to be able to stay at home, otherwise, more extra money, for extra school!!!
See you all
Now it is time to finish all the WIP around here.
I’ve started with the Sexy Vest.
Begined a long time ago, and just finished!
I liked doing it, but I made some modifications.
I didn’t increasse under the armholes, where the pattern asked for. I just made everything to up, so straight.
I only used 2 balls of Family Knit 4 ply, believe it or not, that was what I had, and it went all for this vest, not a cm more!
I will really do this one again, but with maybe with cotton, so that can be used at summer time.
Afther all lace isn’t so difficult.
Then I just made a breack and cast on for the Waffle Knit Dishcloth.
I’ve bougth some vinnis cotton a long time ago, but not shore how the cotton reacts with the water and the cleaning. Since this cotton fells so soft.
I’m very happy with the result of the pattern that I chose, and with the cotton it self.
I do believe I like it more then the Sugar’n Cream!
So that is all
Have a nice weekend everyone :)
Actually, went better then I expected, with all the stress that I had, I thought that I would forget something along the way…
We had the baptism first in the church, and then went home to eat some goodies!
I do think the photos can describe better then my words.
So back to reality…
Actually the photos that I’m going to put here were taken on Sunday, but only today I managed to arrange them, and get a map, for who is outside of
This Sunday we went to visit the
It took us 2 hours to get there, you can see in the map, where we live, to get to the destination.
On the way Cape Point, N. wanted me to take a lot of photos of the mountains, so here is the proof…,
Actually in this part of the country, we have a lot of mountains all around, which is funny, because in some places, at winter time, you can see snow, and in the same day just go and walk on the beach!
Now, Cape Point is situated in a park reserve, with a lot of wild life, like ostrich, baboons, bucks (the national
In this photo you can see the entrance of the reserve park.
Then for you to go to the actual lighthouse, you must go by, like they call it, a Flying Dutchman Funicular.
You can also walk up the mountain, but we went by funicular, because we had two kids.
On the top you still have to walk to the lighthouse, a few steps, nothing much.
So here is the image of the lighthouse from the funicular exit.
And if you look to the opposite direction you can see the actual
Don’t have any photos of that, it was very windy, and a lot of baboons on the loose, we had to be extra careful, because these little animals like to still everything from your hands, and sometimes they can actually get aggressive.
And just to finish the all family, less me, someone had to take the photo!!!
(in the photo, my two little wilds, my husband in the square shirt, his mother and step-father)
It was fun, the kids had fun, and it was a relaxed and a different Sunday, for a change!
In crochet news. I’ve managed to finish the dresses for the girls. One shrug down and the second one is almost done.
See you
I’ve been taking everything slowly, to try to not have a big queue of things to do, not that I didn’t want that!
So I started this project at the beginning of last month, and I just have to complete the body down. It is from a Brazilian site, the pattern was sent out by clues, every Friday.
For now I just have to finish the body and that is it.
I’m enjoying this one, and most probably I will do again, but with no pattern, maybe plain in stockinet stitch, and then maybe some lace at the bottom of the sweater, and in the sleeves.
Another project that I’ve been doing, and finished, is some mystery project from the Terry Morris group on yahoo.
It was fun, just because we didn’t have any idea what we were doing. It didn’t look like a slipper for everyone in the beginning. Only the last clue told how to fold the project, and that the magic of the thing, who would guess!!!
For now that’s it
More works to be post next time.
So stay tuned…
I also did another pair of socks for A.
Another pair for the SAM6 for the August month!
See you all next time.
This pink coat was made by my mother, many, many moons ago. I was still at school. I still have it, I still wear it, and I simple love it.
Since I like this coat so much, and since I had that thicker grey yarn, that I was trying to do the Gilmore vest with it, I thought this yarn was perfect just to make a smaller coat.
And using the new methods from today (like no seam).
I’ve made this one, first the sleeves, and then put them aside.
Then I did the body, starting at the bottom and went up to the neck, in the middle I joining the sleeves, and that was it.
I was worried about the yarn, if it wasn’t enough, but at the end it was more that I needed!
Purl1, knit6, Purl1, basic stitch pattern.
Made the raglan sleeves.