Friday, April 08, 2011


Hello again
Today i'm going to show some drawstrings bags that i made for a client

Two for two girls, with their favorite cartoon character, and with their names on.

 And for two boys, only with the name on.

And here you can see how hummmy they look when full

You can use this bags for what ever you like, to pack toys, for socks, for changing clothes when going out, for whatever....

News from South Africa are the same, economic crises (that is a thing worldwide)
The season that never comes (I'm very tired of summer, i really would like the cold weather to come, and i mean NOW!!!!!)

See you all in a jinx....


1 comment:

  1. very cute! well done you!
    you're fed up with summer? we're just starting to enjoy spring having had a terrible winter. I'll have your sunshine!
