The mystery sock went to the frog pond. Don’t worry about that, I will cast on again; it is just that I knew that I made a mistake on the last row of the pattern as I turned to the heel. So updates on that next week. But the good news about that is that now I can do the socks with no worry about the yarn. I managed to find another ball in the shop, and now I can make the two socks from two balls, cool.
Nicole doesn’t have a decent coat to wear! Yes can you believe it; mummy does a lot of knitting but no coat for the poor girl to dress. So I put my needles at work without seam, just top down. Here is my evolution so far.

I’ve frog this one also a couple of times, I’m taking the idea from a pattern of a coat for babies. So that is why I’ve froged so many times, I think now I’ve got the right stitches in the needle. Don’t you think my stitch markers are cute? Handmade of course. By me. Here you don’t find any of those for sale, and seriously, the ones that I see on the net, with the shipping and the currency of the coin, are too expensive. So I thought of doing some for myself.
So has you can see I’ve been very busy. But looking at the calendar we are only 3 weeks from Christmas, and I still have a lot of presents also to do.