Since my last post I’ve been doing some creations!
I’ve already finished my half face socks (I will post the picture next time). And more socks.
Because, during the past week my older girl asked me –Mummy where are my socks??
Because she can see that I’m doing something for every one, and not for her.
So there I was, making some more socks (thanks to the link that Ruth send me these are my 3rd pair). I started to make the socks but I wanted to do with a different color in the heel and toe.

As I finished my first sock (pink one), I didn’t like the shape of the heel with that different color. So I went and tried the other ones (blue and red) that you don’t need to pick up sts (that is very boring). That is why I’ve got to different socks, yes I promise that I’m going to make the other pair, as son as I finished the little other thing that I’ve got right now in hands ( I will post later also).
I’ve been having some problems with the post so ignore the date.
All of this happened during the night of 27.
Last night the weird think happened in our house.
I think we were visited by ALIENS.
Yes, and I will start to tell the story.
It was already late when I went to bed last night (usually is about 1 am)
As I went up the stairs, Nicole was waiting for me, yes.
I told her that it was time for her to sleep, and she answer me, no!
So I had an idea, (30 minutes passed) I’m going to put a movie and she will fall a sleep chop chop.
Forget it. By this time she was all smiles:)
When my half face come up to the room (about 10 minutes later), the other one, Angelina started to cry, of course she wanted to party too!
And there we were 4 in a small bed.
I was so tired by then that I felt a sleep. When I wake up at 5 am the bed was already empty only with the Wright owners there!
So please Aliens, next time don’t knock on this door, go to the neighbors, because the people in this house like to sleep, in there respective bed.
Let me go to get a little bit of rest and knit, of course.