What can i say..
I'm definitely a wild joiner!!!!
Meet me at mikes is doing a Along of different crafts.
For the month of February is going to be Felt.
If you want also to join the fun go there and just sigh in
Let’s go back a little in time, shall we...
Now last year I did some little shopping of felt fabric.
Long time ago, I did some mini-work with this fabric, but then the Miss Knitting and the Mister Crochet, just got in the way, this ones were so eager to catch my attention, that they just hide the box of some felt fabric that I brought from Portugal!
Yes this is the true story, and you may not realise, but sometimes, crafts also have their own war to get the attention.
Jealousy past, and I’m back again with this craft.
You can use it as a decoration (especially in kids room), but now you can even find more ways of using this fabric, like in bookmarkers, key-rings, in little bags, coin purses, cosy phone, the field of using the felt fabric as erase the frontiers, and now taking his place among the “principal” crafts of this time.
You can make a search in the image Google, and you will be amazed with the vast utilization (some of them are cute, and some of them you just wondering “why the eke am I going to do that?”.
Sometimes I also do that question about knitting and crochet.
I see a lot of beautiful things in the net, made by my fellow bloggers, but at the end: do they use it?
Is it practical?
Are you serious?
A lot of questions do run in my mind about the path that the crafts are starting to take.
But I guess this would be a matter for another post.
For now I would really like to show is the little things that I’ve made before Christmas.
This is a photo of the felt fabric that I bought.
And some “wild scissors”, with a cut of their own...
This is a photo of a snowman, that I made about 4 years ago, still with pins, still waiting for some practical utilization, and it ended again inside the Christmas bag for next year!
This is a bag that I made for N. As a little present from Father Christmas.
I also made a butterfly application for a “Big” hole in A. Pyjamas.
I’ve already washed a lot of times, ant it is still there.
And finally this I made yesterday.
A bookmarker from Wee Folk Art.
I like the owl.
And I love the little embroidery with the flowers.
Felt apart...
I also bought last year some fabric to use as lining on my bags, and mini purses.
I really fall in love with this one...
And yarn, but of course, what can I say...
These two colours are going to be used as a charity knitting.
Ruth made like a “call out” for all the knitters, about some kids in the interior of South Africa, when in winter times, go to school with temperatures below zero. Yes we do have temperatures like that in this country.
You can read it more, and be more inform in this post.
Note: I’ve already started the first scarf, almost finish, maybe it will be a FO to show in my next post.
It looks like I don’t post for ages...
Look at the size of this thing!!!!
Time to go