Now I must get out of home, to actually go to an office.
I like it, because I can separate from the home work, and the office work.
The two girls are now in the same crèche, the youngest one loves it, and I’m happy with it.
I still have a little time just for me, myself, me and only me. That I missed for a long time.
Although I have to learn a lot of things of how to work in a lot of programs in the pc, but it is ok, my head is starting to get so many information at the same time that is almost exploding, but I guess I missed it, the stress of the a work day.
Apart from the stress I do believe it relives me from the stress of home. I do fell that now I’m more calmed, even talking with the kids, and all about they “normal” mistakes.
So knitting and crochet went to the second priority now.
I’m still making things, but slower, only have time at night, after the kids go to bed and everything is clean an nice.
I really needed this!
Something was missing and I didn’t realize that it was this.
I had a good time in being a SAHM for all day, but now being a half SAHM is also nice.
Now I can talk with adult people, the conversation ends always in kids, but it is different.
I’m happy.
And I’m working in the husband company, so I’m also working for my future, good!
Meanwhile I had an order from the owner of the wool shop that I go regularly, about my mini coin purses, isn’t that funny!
I’ve been so long at home, and now that my day is complete, someone comes with a order for something that I do. I love it. It took me more time to do the mini purses, but I did it. And she loved it. I’m doing the happy dance. Of course all the money went to buy more wool, what else?
These are two of the 5 purses that she took.

So I’m doing a mystery project from a Portuguese site. You have to register to enter, and every Friday a part of the pattern comes along.
It is going to be something for a 4 year kid to wear.

I’m more advance then the photo shows.
So next time I will take another photo.
See you all next time.